Amway China

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Amway China
Local Name: 安利(中国)日用品有限公司
Launch: April, 1995
Est. # IBOs: 300,000 (2013) [1]
Est. Sales: RMB 29.3 billion (2013)
Est. population: unknown

Amway China's Background 安利中国背景




Milestones of Amway China 安利(中国)大事记


● 正式开业前,公司用了三年时间进行工厂建设。1992年工厂奠基仪式。(Before the official opening, the company took three years for plant construction. 1992 factory foundation stone laying ceremony.)

● 1995年,安利(中国)开业,在广东及福建两省七个城市营运,拉开了在中国耕耘发展的序幕。(In 1995, Amway (China) start operations in seven cities in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, opened the prelude to the development in China.)

● 首批推出5款产品,深受市场欢迎。(First launch of 5 products and was welcomed by the market.)


● 安利上海分公司开业,业务拓展至华东地区,公司年销售额达9亿元。(Amway Shanghai branch opened, its business was expanded to East China region, the company annual sales is about RMB900 million yuan.)


● 雅姿•系列美容化妆品进入中国市场。(ARTISTRY skincare and cosmetic products range was entered into China market.)

● 在曼谷举办首次海外研讨会。(First Amway leadership seminar was held in Bangkok.)


● 积极应对4月份国家发布的传销禁令,在停业3个月后获批以“店铺+雇佣推销员”的方式重新开业。(Positive response to faced the April MLM prohibitions released by the government, and approved after 3 months closed down and reopened with the new business model "Shoppes + Employed salesperson".)

● 纽崔莱•系列营养保健食品在中国上市。由于禁令影响,公司当年销售额为3亿元。(NUTRILITE Food supplement brand was launched in China market. As the impact of the ban, the company annual sales of RMB 300 million yuan.)


● 投资2,100万美元的第二期工厂投入使用。公司年销售额达6亿元。(U.S. $ 21 million investment in the second phase of the factory and put into use. Company with annual sales of $ 600 million.)


● 涉足电子商务领域,开通“电话语音订货服务”,为营销人员展业提供强大支持。(Involved in the field of electronic commerce, the opening of the telephone voice ordering service, provide strong support for the distributors to expand the business.)

● 投资2,100万美元的第三、四期厂房投入使用。公司年销售额达24亿元。(Invest U.S. $ 21 million, four plant put into use. The company sales of $ 24 billion.)


● 开安利全球广告先河,推出由奥运跳水冠军伏明霞主演的纽崔莱品牌广告。公司产品增至151款,年销售额翻番,达48亿元。(Being the pioneer in the Amway global to launch the Nutrilite brand advertising starring Olympic diving champion Fu Mingxia. The company's products increased to 151 types, with annual sales doubled to $ 4.8 billion.)

● 成为2004年奥运会中国体育代表团高级赞助商,纽崔莱产品成为2004年奥运会中国体育代表团唯一专用营养品。(Become a sponsor and only dedicated nutrition supplements of the 2004 Olympic Games for Chinese sports athletes)


● 相继设立安利(中国)研究发展中心、物流中心。公司年销售额达60亿元。(Amway (China) Research and Development Center and logistics center has been set-up. The company sales of $ 60 billion.)

● 聘请奥运跳水冠军田亮作为纽崔莱品牌代言人。(Hired Olympic diving champion Tian Liang as the the NUTRILITE brand ambassador.)


● 安利(中国)一次性新增投资1.2亿美元,投资总额增至2.2亿美元,成为非典后向中国增资的首家跨国企业。(Amway (China) was newly invested a one-time of US$ 120 million, and a total investment was increased to US$ 220 million, to become the first multinational companies to increase the capital in China after SARS.)

● 由安利(中国)自主研发、为中国儿童量身定制的第一款产品——纽崔莱•儿童高蛋白饮品推出。(Amway China was independently done R&D, and first products tailor-made for Chinese children - NUTRILITE Protein drink mix for children was launched.)

● 第一个志愿者组织——安利北京志愿者协会成立。截至目前安利已在全国成立“安利志愿者服务队”180支,拥有注册志愿者55000余名,累计服务时间近百万小时。(A volunteer organization - Amway Beijing Volunteers Association was established. Recently Amway has established in the country for about 180 teams of "Amway volunteer service teams", and has more than 55,000 registered volunteers, accumulated nearly one million hours of service time.)


● 安利全球第一个营销人员专属培训机构——安利(中国)培训中心启用。(Amway Global first exclusive training organisation - Amway (China) Training centre is launched)


● 安利(中国)展览馆和雅姿品牌体验中心开幕。(Amway (China) Exhibition centre and ARTISTRY brand experience centre is start operation.

● 纽崔莱成为NBA中国市场合作伙伴,纽崔莱产品成为NBA中国唯一营养保健食品市场合作伙伴,双方共同推出中国首届“少年NBA”联赛。(NUTRILITE products becomes the partners of NBA China. NUTRILITE is also becomes the only nutritional supplements for NBA China and jointly launched China's first "Young NBA" league.)


● 安利(中国)教育网开通。(Start use of Amway education website)

● 12月,获批直销经营许可。(In December, granted a direct selling license.)

● 启动首届安利志愿者“冬日暖阳大行动”。(Start the the first Amway volunteers activity.)

● 玑因14、陶士•男士护肤系列等产品上市。公司年销售额为120亿元。(Intensive Repair serum, TOLSOM men skincare collections products launched. The company sales is about RMB12 billion.)


● 首批直销区域全面启动直销业务,推出多元化营销模式。(First batch to starts the direct sales business, to launch diversified marketing model.)

● 安利皇后锅进入中国市场,公司年销售额为138亿元。(Amway QUEEN cookware is entered China market, the company sales was RMB 13.8 billion.)


● 签约北京奥运9金之队中国体操队担任纽崔莱全球品牌形象代言人;签约许戈辉、马艳丽、侯宏澜担任雅姿品牌形象代言人。公司年销售额创下历史新高,达176亿元。


● 美国安利公司成立50周年(Celebrate 50th Anniversary for Amway Global)

● "安利心印宝岛万人行"创下多个第一,成为台海两岸民间交流的盛事。


● 纪念纽崔莱品牌诞生75周年活动在上海举行

● 推出"自律自强在安利"专项整治行动

● 与中国电信签约成为战略合作伙伴,共同推出"安利商务随行"3G业务

● 通过了ISO27001信息安全管理体系国际认证、获得了法国标准协会颁发的ISO14001:2004环境保护管理体系认证、以及由英国标准协会颁发的ISO10002:2004顾客投诉管理体系认证







●安利公益基金会成立(Amway Charity Fund is founded)

●安利纽崔莱签约成为2012伦敦奥运会中国体育代表团专用产品,并于上海举办了纽崔莱健康跑十周年庆典 (Become a sponsor and only dedicated nutrition supplements of the 2012 Olympic Games for Chinese sports athletes, also held a 10th Anniversary Ceromony for Nutrilite Health run in Shanghai)

●推出全新家护品牌"安利优生活" (Launch brand new Home Care brand "AMWAY HOME"








●安利纽崔莱多种植物蛋白粉上市。全新草本产品纽崔莱®银杏苁蓉片上市。(Amway NUTRILITE all plant protein powder launched. Brand new chinese herbs supplement NUTRILITE Memory builder is launched.

●德•狄维士总裁第五次出席“中国发展高层论坛”;史提夫•温安洛董事长出席“成都财富全球论坛”。(The President, Dough Devos was attended China Development Higher Committee Forum, whereas Chairman, Steve Van Andel attended ChengDu Wealth Global Forum)

●史提夫•温安洛董事长再度担任美国商会主席。(The Chairman, Steve Van Andel is became the President of US Chamber of Commerce again.)



●安利(中国)植物研发中心在无锡奠基。(Amway China Plant R&D Centre is built in WuXi.)

●年销售额达到293亿元人民币(Annual turnover is reached RMB 29.3 billion)


●德•狄维士总裁第六次出席“中国发展高层论坛”。 (Dough Devos was 6th times attended the China Development Higher Committee Forum.)

●在上海举办纽崔莱八十周年庆典,庆祝纽崔莱品牌创立八十周年。(NUTRILITE 80th Anniversary Ceromony held in Shanghai, to celebrate the founding of 80 years for NUTRILITE brand.)

●安利纽崔莱®益源蛋白粉上市。(NUTRILITE FOS all plant protein powder is launch)

●上海安利体验馆开幕。(Shanghai Amway brand experience centre is opened)


Sales Data 营业额

Known Sales Data
Year年份 Wholesale Sales净营业额 (RMB人民币) Wholesale Sales净营业额 (USD美金)
1997 1.5 billion 15亿 [2] 181 million 1.81亿
1998 320 million 3.2亿*
1999 640 million 6.4亿
2000 2.4 billion 24亿
2001 4.8 billion 48亿[3]
2002 6.0 billion 60亿[4] 725 million 7.25亿
2003 10.0 billion 100亿[4] 1.21 billion 121亿
2004 17.0 billion 170亿[5] 2.05 billion 20.5亿
2005 15.0 billion150亿** [6] >2 billion 超过20亿[7]
2006 12.0 billion 120亿[8] 1.44 billion 14.4亿
2007 13.8 billion 138亿[9] 2.01 billion 20.1亿
2008 17.6 billion 176亿[10][11] 2.6 billion 26亿
2009 20.0 billion 200亿[11][12] 3 billion 30亿[12]
2010 22.0 billion 220亿 [13] 3.4 billion 34亿
2011 26.7 billion 267亿 [14] 4.1 billion 41亿
2012 27.1 billion 271亿 [14] 4.34 billion 43.4亿
2013 29.3 billion 293亿 [15] 4.83 billion 48.3亿

* In April 1998, China banned all direct sales activities. In July 1998, Amway China re-opened with a new restructured business model approved by the State Council.

** On December 1, 2005, China lifted ban on direct selling

Unique Pin Levels 独特的襟章阶级

Unique Pin Levels
Local Pins当地襟章 相等襟章Equivalent pins 合格腿数Qualifying legs 创办人积分FAA
Sales Star营销之星 Silver Producer银奖章 n/a n/a
Sales Supervisor营销主任 Gold Producer金奖章 n/a n/a
Senior Sales Supervisor高级营销主任 Platinum白金 n/a n/a
Assistant Sales Manager助理营销主任 Ruby红宝石 n/a n/a
Assistant Sales Manager助理营销主任 Sapphire蓝宝石 2 n/a
Assistant Sales Manager助理营销主任 Pearl明珠 n/a n/a
Sales Manager营销经理 Emerald翡翠 3 n/a
Senior Sales Manager高级营销经理 Diamond钻石 6 n/a
Sales Director营销总监 Executive Diamond执行钻石 9 10FAA
Senior Sales Director 高级营销总监 Double Diamond双钻石 12 14FAA
Senior Director 资深营销总监 Triple Diamond三钻石 15 18FAA
Elite Sales Director 高级资深营销总监 Crown皇冠 18 22FAA
Founders Council全球政策咨询委员会 Crown皇冠大使 20 27FAA

13/14Founders Council Members安利全球政策咨询委员会

Amway Founders Council member is the highest level of achievement in the Amway World. Every year, Amway will invite the leaders with outstanding performance from the Senior Sales Director(Triple Diamond) and above, to become the Founders Council Member. They come from Amway markets around the world, and they Will share the informations brought by the founder 's family and the development of the company 's management, and to present their views on the company's future strategy.


To become a Founders Council member, is both a great honor, but also to take up a sacred duty and mission. As a brand ambassador for Amway, they loyal dedication, tireless efforts, the quality of Amway products, business opportunity and corporate culture widely disseminated; they are always optimistic, enthusiastic, with their wealth of experience and charisma, to open a business partner hearty good wishes for life; they cherish goodwill, caring, commitment to the community as a responsible corporate witness.


Today, they stand in the halls of Fame of Amway, for them, is because of a smart choices for many years ago, and it give them hope, it is also a strong belief for many years, so that they commit to the excellent with the company, and won the respect and recognition by Company.

今天,他们站在安利这个荣誉的殿堂,对他们来说,是多年前的一个明智选择,开启了丰盛人生的第一缕希望,是多年来的一份坚定信念,让他们与公司同心同德 ,共创卓越,并赢得了公司的尊重和认可。

The followings are Founders Council Members of Amway China for the Financial Year 13/14.


1) Barry Chi & Holly Chen - 陈婉芬 嵇龙生
2) Zhou Fan Yang & Zheng Xin Qing - 郑新清 周帆扬
3) Han Shi Rong - 韩世荣
4) Wu Yi & Xiong Shi Xiang - 吴 奕 熊世翔
5) Miao Dong Mei & Hu Qing Dong - 胡庆东 苗冬梅
6) Ren Ying Cai - 任英才
7) Fu Nan Sheng & Wu Cai Yun - 傅南生 吴彩云
8) Sun Dong & Liang Ding Su - 孙 东 梁丁苏
9) Zhao Yu Fang & Tang Jing Song - 赵玉芳 唐劲松
10)Su Li Chun & Wang En Wei - 王恩为 苏立春
11)Hong, Liu & Jin, Di - 刘 红 狄 晋
12)Zhou Wan Ming & Chen Yi Ding - 周婉明 陈毅鼎
13)Wang Han Ru & Mao Zhong - 王寒茹 毛 忠
14)Tan Zhi Bo & Song Jie Bin - 谭志波 宋杰彬
15)Huang Jun & Liu Lin - 黄 骏 刘 琳
16)Luo Qi & Liang Yi - 罗 琪 梁 毅
17) Li Jing & Zhang En Long - 李 婧
18)Guo-Yuan Du & Ya-Qin Zhu - 杜国渊 沈 艳
19)Tu Yung Sung & Hwang Yu Yan - 涂永松 涂黄玉燕
20)Lu Yong Ju & Wang Ying Wu - 陆永菊 王迎五
21)Fan Jian Ping & Guo Hong Bin - 范建平 郭洪斌
22)Zhang Jin Hui & Liu Cheng - 张金辉 刘成
23)Wang Xiang Shun & Lin Pin - 王祥顺 蔺 频
24)Ge Yong Qin - 葛勇芹
25)Zhao Zhi Zhong & Ming Gui Fu赵忠志 闵桂馥
26)Theresa You & Steven Hsieh - 谢建宗 游丽珠
27)Yang Guan Yi & Zheng Jia Hua - 杨贯一 郑家华
28)Yu Dai Fu & Wei Yong Hong - 余代辅 魏永红
29)Tao Ming & Yan Jing - 陶 铭 颜 菁
30)Fu Yu Ping & Zong Shi Jie - 付玉萍 宗士杰
31)Jin Xiao Ping & Jin Hui Ming - 金晓萍 金惠明(2014)
32)Qian Jun & Zhao Xin - 钱 俊 赵 欣 (2014)
33)Forest Lee & Daisy Tseng - 曾玉玲 呂森林
34)Foo Howe Kean & Shu Chen - 傅后坚 柯淑真
35)Hsieh, Sunny Hsu & Debra - 谢淑芬 許旭昇
36)Lei, Mark & Peggy - 叶佩姿 雷宇鸣
37)Kang Jun - 康 君
38)Zhang Yi Ping & Sun Lei - 张忆平 孙 蕾, FAA30(2014)
39)Chin Nai Kang & Wang Shu Chen - 王淑真 金乃刚
40) Yuan Wei Qun & Zhou Ya Xing - 袁为群 周亚星
41) Yin Jian Ping & Wang Cheng An - 尹建平 王成安
42) Li Li Li & Lü Hui - 李丽莉 吕 辉
43) Zhou Zhi Jian & Ou Guo Ying - 周志坚 欧帼英
44) Zheng Wei Liang & Luo Bin - 郑维良 罗 斌
45)Bu Fan Zhi & Lu Xian Xin - 卜范芝 卢宪新 -
46)Liu Te Pei & Jin Mei - 金 梅 刘德沛
47)Zhao Feng Xia & Jiang Guang Hui - 赵凤霞 姜光辉
48)Gong Ling Ji & He Xun - 龚玲姬 何 迅
49)Cao Hong Yu & Li Jia Gui - 曹红玉 李家贵
50)Jiang Xian Feng & Chen Jin Chun - 蒋仙凤 陈金春
51)Liang Da Gong - 梁大工
52)Lee Yueh Jung & Chen Lai Fa陈来发 李月容
53)Zhou Chao Sheng & Liu Yi - 周朝胜 刘 艺
54)Liu Xia & Sun Peng - 刘 霞 孙 鹏
55)Xiong Hong Mei & Hong Xian Ming - 熊红梅 洪贤明
56)Wen Ling & Liao Shi Zhong - 温 玲 缪世忠
57)Chen Hua & Wu Ying Bo - 陈华 吴映波
58)Chen Mei Li & Wu Ji Qiang - 陈美丽 巫季镪
59)Zhong Yi Hong & He Jing - 何静 钟易宏
60)Lian Min & Xu Xiao Min - 连 敏 徐小敏
61)Lin Hong Sen & Gao Wan Fang - 林洪森 高婉芳
62)Lin Wei & Chen Ke Ming - 林 微 陈克明(2014)
63)Wu Li Rong - 武立荣
64)Fang Xiang & Shen Qiang - 方 向 沈 强
65)Guo Zhi Hong & Zhao Bo Yu - 郭志宏 赵博宇
66)Qiu Gai Mei & Feng Guang Min - 邱改梅 冯广敏
67)Deng Hui Ru - 邓卉茹
68)Chen Xiao Wei & Liu Guo Mei - 陈晓伟 刘国美
69)Zhang Fan - 章 凡
70)Wang Zong Bin & Hong Li Juan - 王宗斌 洪立娟
71)Ru Zhi Juan & Lu Yin Fang - 茹志娟 陆银方
72)Zhang Yan Chun & Chang Shi Hong - 张艳春 唱石红
73)Zhao Wei Dong & Qiao Yan - 赵维东 乔 岩
74)Zhou Ya Xing & Yuan Wei Qun - 周亚星 袁为群
75)Cao Hong Yu & Li Jia Gui - 曹洪玉 李家贵
76)Zhang Gui Jie & Zhang Fan - 张桂杰 张 璠
77)Yao Li & Wang Sheng - 姚 莉 王 胜
78)Wu Xiang Qin - 吴湘琴
79)Lu Fang & Ma Chi - 陆 芳 马 驰
80)Zhong Hua Ying & Xu Jun Tang - 钟华英 徐俊堂
81)He Yang Zhong & Hu Wen Li - 何养中 胡文莉
82)Geng Gui Yun - 耿桂云

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  5. Global big names set up bases in GDD
  6. The Falun Gong Shadow Over Direct Marketing in China
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  11. 11.0 11.1 Amway's sales revenue hit RMB 20 bln in China last year
  12. 12.0 12.1 Amway China Sales May Rise at Least 10% as Direct Sales Rebound
  13. Amagram Hong Kong 02/2011
  14. 14.0 14.1 China Daily, Feb 21, 2013 - Amway says China sales increase to 27.1b yuan
  15. China Daily, Feb 19, 2014 - Amway China reports 8% sales rise in 2013